PrintFormatter Class Listing
Public Class PrintFormatter
Public Enum DataRepresentation
End Enum
Private _TextData As String
Private _XMLData As Xml.XmlDocument
Private _SQLData As DataTable
Private _DataRepresentation As DataRepresentation
Public Sub New(ByVal PrintDataRepresentation As DataRepresentation)
_DataRepresentation = PrintDataRepresentation
End Sub
Public WriteOnly Property TextData() As String
Set(ByVal value As String)
_TextData = value
End Set
End Property
Public WriteOnly Property XMLData() As Xml.XmlDocument
Set(ByVal value As Xml.XmlDocument)
_XMLData = value
End Set
End Property
Public WriteOnly Property SQLData() As DataTable
Set(ByVal value As DataTable)
_SQLData = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub PrintFormattedData()
Select Case _DataRepresentation
Case DataRepresentation.TextFormat
Case DataRepresentation.XMLFormat
Case DataRepresentation.SQLDataTableFormat
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub _PrintHeader()
Console.WriteLine("This represents the page header")
End Sub
Private Sub _PrintFooter()
Console.WriteLine("This represents the page footer")
End Sub
Private Sub _PrintTextData()
Console.WriteLine("This represents the formatted text data - " & _TextData)
End Sub
Private Sub _PrintXMLData()
Console.WriteLine("This represents the formatted XML data - " & _XMLData.OuterXml)
End Sub
Private Sub _PrintSQLData()
Console.WriteLine("This represents the formatted SQL data - " & _SQLData.TableName)
End Sub
End Class
Not much of a class diagram hierarchy to show

modMain Module Listing
Module modMain
Sub Main()
'Sample Data - one of each kind
Dim TextData As String = "<<TextData>>"
Dim XMLData As Xml.XmlDocument = New Xml.XmlDocument
XMLData.LoadXml("<xMLData />")
Dim SQLData As DataTable = New DataTable("SQLDataTable")
Dim oPrintFormatter As PrintFormatter
oPrintFormatter = New PrintFormatter(PrintFormatter.DataRepresentation.TextFormat)
oPrintFormatter.TextData = TextData
oPrintFormatter = New PrintFormatter(PrintFormatter.DataRepresentation.XMLFormat)
oPrintFormatter.XMLData = XMLData
oPrintFormatter = New PrintFormatter(PrintFormatter.DataRepresentation.SQLDataTableFormat)
oPrintFormatter.SQLData = SQLData
End Sub
End Module
Let’s put our application to the test

Alright, things look good for a one off application requirement. However, extending this design to support additional data formats would require modifying the PrintFormatter class by adding additional data representations and modifying the PrintFormattedData method. A template method pattern can be effectively used in this example to eliminate the need to modify the base class and extending the base class to support additional data formats.
The primary idea behind the template method is to use a method to perform the actions that are common across representations – printing the header and footer while leaving the task of printing specific data representations to abstract methods. The PrintFormatter class can then be extended by the TextPrintFormatter to provide the implementation for printing text data. Similarly the XMLPrintFormatter can implement the abstract PrintSpecificData method to print XML Data while the SQLPrintFormatter can provide the SQL data printing logic.
PrintFormatter Class Listing
Public MustInherit Class PrintFormatter
'Our Template method
Public Sub PrintFormattedData()
End Sub
'Some methods that provide a default implementation
Public Sub PrintHeader()
Console.WriteLine("This represents the page header")
End Sub
Public Sub PrintFooter()
Console.WriteLine("This represents the page footer")
End Sub
'Abstract methods
Public MustOverride Sub PrintSpecificData()
End Class
TextPrintFormatter Class Listing
Public Class TextPrintFormatter
Inherits PrintFormatter
Private _TextData As String
Public Sub New(ByVal TextData As String)
_TextData = TextData
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub PrintSpecificData()
Console.WriteLine("This represents the formatted text data - " & _TextData)
End Sub
End Class
XMLPrintFormatter Class Listing
Public Class XMLPrintFormatter
Inherits PrintFormatter
Private _XMLData As Xml.XmlDocument
Public Sub New(ByVal XMLData As Xml.XmlDocument)
_XMLData = XMLData
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub PrintSpecificData()
Console.WriteLine("This represents the formatted XML data - " & _XMLData.OuterXml)
End Sub
End Class
SQLDataPrintFormatter Class Listing
Public Class SQLDataPrintFormatter
Inherits PrintFormatter
Private _SQLData As DataTable
Public Sub New(ByVal SQLData As DataTable)
_SQLData = SQLData
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub PrintSpecificData()
Console.WriteLine("This represents the formatted SQL data - " & _SQLData.TableName)
End Sub
End Class
The Template method pattern class hierarchy

modMain Module Listing
Module modMain
Sub Main()
'Sample Data - one of each kind
Dim TextData As String = "<<TextData>>"
Dim XMLData As Xml.XmlDocument = New Xml.XmlDocument
XMLData.LoadXml("<xMLData />")
Dim SQLData As DataTable = New DataTable("SQLDataTable")
Dim oPrintFormatter As PrintFormatter
oPrintFormatter = New TextPrintFormatter(TextData)
oPrintFormatter = New XMLPrintFormatter(XMLData)
oPrintFormatter = New SQLDataPrintFormatter(SQLData)
End Sub
End Module
And a look at the results

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