Consider a business application for a mortgage company. The Mortgage Company uses multiple services that are both internal to the company as well as require interaction with other parties to determine if a loan can be sanctioned. Using the Facade pattern here is easy, create a class say LoanHelper. We can then create shared method unless you prefer to create an instance of the LoanHelper. Add the method calls to the different internal and external services. This LoanHelper method can then be used anywhere within your code to validate a prospect before allotting a loan and determining the rate of interest.
LoanHelper Class Listing
Public Class LoanHelper
Public Const DEFAULT_LOAN_PERCENT As Double = 10.0
Public Shared Function GetEligbleLoanCriteria(ByVal SSN As String, ByVal RequiredLoanAmount As Double, _
ByRef EligibleLoanAmount As Double, ByRef EligibleLoanPercent As Double) As Boolean
'Add the method calls to various systems - internal and external to determine
'the values of EligibleLoanAmount and the EligibleLoanAmount
EligibleLoanAmount = 100000
EligibleLoanPercent = 8.25
Console.WriteLine("Façade class LoanHelper was invoked to determine Eligible Loan Criteria")
Return True 'Return false if SSN failed to match
End Function
End Class
modMain Module Listing
Module modMain
Sub Main()
Dim SSN As String = "SampleSSN"
Dim RequiredLoanAmount As Double = 100000
Dim EligibleLoanAmount As Double = 0
Dim EligibleLoanPercent As Double = LoanHelper.DEFAULT_LOAN_PERCENT
Dim IsSSNMatch As Boolean = LoanHelper.GetEligbleLoanCriteria(SSN, RequiredLoanAmount, _
EligibleLoanAmount, EligibleLoanPercent)
End Sub
End Module
A look at the classes

And the results

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