Sample code
Sub Main()
'Sample XML island
Dim sb As System.Text.StringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder
sb.AppendLine(" <item type='Pencil' qty='5' IsCanceled='1' />")
sb.AppendLine(" <item type='Pen' qty='2' />")
sb.AppendLine(" <item type='Book' qty='1' />")
sb.AppendLine(" <item type='Pencil' qty='3' />")
Dim xDoc As Xml.XmlDocument = New Xml.XmlDocument
Console.WriteLine("Original XML Content")
'Original Strategy
Console.WriteLine("Active list of items")
Dim xNodLst As Xml.XmlNodeList = xDoc.SelectNodes("/items/item")
For Each xNod As Xml.XmlNode In xNodLst
If xNod.Attributes("IsCanceled") Is Nothing Then
Console.WriteLine("{0} [{1}]", xNod.Attributes("type").Value, xNod.Attributes("qty").Value)
End If
'Alternate Strategy
Console.WriteLine("Active list of items (Alternate)")
Dim xNodAltLst As Xml.XmlNodeList = xDoc.SelectNodes("/items/item[not (@IsCanceled)]")
For Each xNod As Xml.XmlNode In xNodAltLst
Console.WriteLine("{0} [{1}]", xNod.Attributes("type").Value, xNod.Attributes("qty").Value)
End Sub
In this example, I have eliminated nodes that do not have the IsCanceled attribute. The exact value of the attribute was not relevant to me, its existence was reason enough to have it eliminated from my result list.
A look at the execution result

Of course, if you wanted to include only nodes that had a specific attribute, you guessed right, just take the 'not' keyword out of the query -
Dim xNodAltLst As Xml.XmlNodeList = xDoc.SelectNodes("/items/item[@IsCanceled]")
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