The first example deals with displaying a two column grid with the first column containing the Employee Name and the second column that can be used to collect the Employee Gender
- Drag a DataGridView on the form
- Expand the DataGridView tasks and add a couple of columns
- Set the DataPropertyName for the first column appropriately, Since my data source deals with Employee Names, I have selected 'Name' which corresponds to the column name in my datasource.
- Finally, bind the data source with the grid and another datasource with the second column so that the dropdown choices are rendered correctly.
'Create the sample list of names
Dim dtNames As DataTable = New DataTable
dtNames.Columns.Add("Name", GetType(String))
Dim dr As DataRow
dr = dtNames.NewRow : dr.Item("Name") = "Alvin Menezes" : dtNames.Rows.Add(dr)
dr = dtNames.NewRow : dr.Item("Name") = "Saikumar Chettiar" : dtNames.Rows.Add(dr)
dr = dtNames.NewRow : dr.Item("Name") = "Sample Name 1" : dtNames.Rows.Add(dr)
dr = dtNames.NewRow : dr.Item("Name") = "Sample Name 2" : dtNames.Rows.Add(dr)
'Create the sample list of dropdown choices
Dim dtGenders As DataTable = New DataTable
dtGenders.Columns.Add("Gender", GetType(String))
dtGenders.Columns.Add("GenderId", GetType(Integer))
dr = dtGenders.NewRow : dr.Item("GenderId") = 1 : dr.Item("Gender") = "Male" : dtGenders.Rows.Add(dr)
dr = dtGenders.NewRow : dr.Item("GenderId") = 2 : dr.Item("Gender") = "Female" : dtGenders.Rows.Add(dr)
'Bind the datagridview
dgvSample.AutoGenerateColumns = False
dgvSample.DataSource = dtNames
'Setup the Combobox column
Dim dgvComboCol As DataGridViewComboBoxColumn = CType(dgvSample.Columns(1), DataGridViewComboBoxColumn)
With dgvComboCol
.DisplayMember = "Gender"
.ValueMember = "GenderId"
.DataSource = dtGenders
End With
And that's it, we are good to go

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