Thursday, November 4, 2010

Get last modified stored procedures on SQL 2005 and above

If you need to quickly get the list of all last modified stored procedures and the body of the stored procedure to aid in a quick update deployment from pre staging to production environment, try this stored procedure.

Create proc DevGetLastModifiedItems
@AfterTimeStamp as datetime
declare varCur cursor for
Select, modify_date,
from sys.objects
inner join sys.all_sql_modules on sys.objects.object_id = sys.all_sql_modules.object_id
where sys.objects.type='P'
and sys.objects.modify_date >= @AfterTimeStamp
and <> 'DevGetLastModifiedItems' -- Cannot see why this SP should ever turn up on a production server :)
order by modify_date desc
open varCur
declare @name as varchar(200),
@definition as varchar(max),
@modify_date as datetime
Fetch next from varCur into @name, @modify_date, @definition
while @@Fetch_status = 0
Print '-- ' + @name + ' last modified on ' + convert(varchar(40), @modify_date, 9)
Print ''
Print @definition
Print 'go'
Print ''
Print ''
Fetch next from varCur into @name, @modify_date, @definition
close varCur
deallocate varCur

To get the complete list and body of the stored procedures that have been modified since a date say '2010-11-04', simply fire this on the Management Studio window and check out the contents of the messages window

exec DevGetLastModifiedItems '2010-11-04'